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    Frequently Asked Questions

    We’ve tried to answer some of the common questions you may have below but if
    you cannot find what you are looking for contact us

    How do I sign up?

    To join, you just need to scroll to the footer and click on “Join Today” under the “Product” subheader, then download, complete and email the forms back. We can usually respond and set you up within 1 working day.

    Can I import data from another system?

    Yes! Simply pull a CSV report form your existing system for each data set you wish to import, then we can assist you in safely importing the data directly into your new database!

    What if my staff need one on one training?

    When you take up PracticePal, we usually do a free 60 minute in depth demonstration of the software for free, then after you return your forms, you can book in an additional demonstration at a time to suit you. If you need more support, you can purchase more training at £80 per hour or £40 per 30 minutes.

    What support is included?

    We offer free technical support via our dedicated team of UK based support technicians, via telephone, email, live chat, and social media. You can also access our comprehensive knowledge base, where you can find hundreds of hours of video tutorials at any time!

    Why should I choose PracticePal over it’s competitors?

    Great question! PracticePal is one of the market leaders in practice management software, offering enterprise-level features and security at entry level prices! With thousands of people benefiting from PracticePal every day since 2006, you can be sure that PracticePal provides one of the best systems on the market at one of the best prices. We maintain almost 100% customer retention, and when customers do move on it is almost always because they are selling their clinic or retiring. We have also found a lot of the clients that did leave us have since come back.

    How are you able to offer this service so cheap?

    PracticePal’s entire business model is fundamentally different from the existing traditional approach. We have significantly reduced our administration costs by moving to an internet model, and we have kept these costs low by not hiring lots of sales staff or sponsoring countless industry events. We use on-line collaboration software to provide targeted staff training. The net result is probably the best value for money in the market of any professional system.

    How do I know my data is secure?

    PracticePal runs in a secure environment using the very latest 256-Bit SSL encryption on every page. The web servers themselves are hosted in a state-of-the-art UK based data centre behind hardware and software firewalls patched up to the minute. You get your very own Microsoft SQL Server database separate from any other customer data which is automatically backed up every night. Both the application, and data layers behind PracticePal are both hosted on dedicated, UK based servers with Rackspace.